Internet trgovina vinarije Birin

Vino Debit


Vino Debit

Debit, lepršavo vino slamnsto žute boje srednjeg tijela i inteziteta, na nosu je cvijetno i herbalno uz srednju vočnost u ustima mineralno uz određenu slanost, ponekad na kraju i uz blagu biterost, nenametljivo a opet primamljivo. Poslužiti uz jelo s plodovima mora, bijelog mesa i plemenitih sireva. Serviranje na 10-12 stupnjeva.

Weight 2 kg
Dimensions 10 × 2 cm
Vino Debit

Their debit has the best characteristics of the variety: it is a light and fresh summer wine, with interesting pale yellow colour, quite low alcohol, citrusy with hints of herbs – it is considered to be the perfect wine for hot weather!
from: Total Croatia Wine